Narya Rose Deckard’s Blog
Hello! Thanks for visiting my blog With Wings. Just to complicate how much I have to keep track of, I also have a Substack With Wings. Feel free to read from either site! (although you will find more writing on here)
End of Semester Questions
My first blog post I ended with some questions that I wanted to ponder after completing my first MFA semester. Now that I have completed 33 credits of…
4 min read
Breaking Barriers
Sawtooth edged bamboo leaves like a rose and its thorns. I know: bamboo may not have the soft petals, the sweet aroma lingering in the air, the…
4 min read
Transcendental Cooking: The Spatial Conditions for the Possibility of Spätzel
In an attempt to loosen a beginning sentence for the new ideas I’ve been having about space, place, and cooking in the kitchen, I performed a cursory…
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The Wisdom of Earthsea – Thoughts on Ursula Le Guin’s The Wizard of Earthsea I grew up with a love for fantasy, devouring stories of unicorns, mythical sea…
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Winter in a Time of Covid
I opened this blog to have a public space to write and think, to share, openly. I began this blog, typed out a draft of a post,…
4 min read