Narya Rose Deckard’s Blog
Hello! Thanks for visiting my blog With Wings. Just to complicate how much I have to keep track of, I also have a Substack With Wings. Feel free to read from either site! (although you will find more writing on here)
Linda Hogan’s poem “Eucalyptus” and Imagining the Self
By losing herself, the speaker in Linda Hogan’s poem finds herself: “and like the tree I can lose myself/layer after layer.” “Eucalyptus,” the first…
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Plant Your Words
It’s spring, but I feel a little like I’ve missed the seasonal transition from being so busy: I just clicked submit to send my poetry thesis to my…
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Tulip Poplars Printed!
My poem “Tulip Poplars” has been printed by Tiny Seed Journal! You can read it here: The poem will be in their later printed anthology. Thank you,…
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Growing Love and Thorns
“Growing Love and Thorns While Reading Carter’s ‘The Bloody Chamber’” My husband and I, fatigued from pandemic fear and wishing to travel as Covid-19 restrictions had decreased,…
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“That Hairy Heart Inside of Us”
“That Hairy Heart Inside of Us” – Some thoughts on Daniel Ogden’s new book and wolves. “To be rigorous about wolves—you might as well expect rigor of…
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Beasts of Prairie and Woods
Review of Beloved Beasts by Michelle Nijhuis Corpses of bison strewn across a field. An 1899 woodcut of a woman adorned in feathers, a live bird,…
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