Tag: tarot

  • Let’s Behead Ourselves: Living As Symbols, Not Images

    Let’s Behead Ourselves: Living As Symbols, Not Images
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    As I spend time thinking about language and its imperfections, how it only reveals slivers of truths, not a whole truth, I discover how easily we deceive ourselves into believing we could possibly ever know something wholly. Take self-identity for an example. We define ourselves by our jobs, at least in the U.S., in such… Read more

  • The Bridge of Bear Mother: Ancient Slumber and Quickening

    The Bridge of Bear Mother: Ancient Slumber and Quickening

    St. Brigid, Imbolc, and the 5 of Cups The bridge draws my eye first along its breadth, the bridge to which the figure in the image looks, the thing that connects one bank to another. What draws us together in this way? St. Brigid, her quickening breath that had slowed for winter slumber, warm and… Read more