Tag: o’donohue

  • Let’s Behead Ourselves: Living As Symbols, Not Images

    Let’s Behead Ourselves: Living As Symbols, Not Images
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    As I spend time thinking about language and its imperfections, how it only reveals slivers of truths, not a whole truth, I discover how easily we deceive ourselves into believing we could possibly ever know something wholly. Take self-identity for an example. We define ourselves by our jobs, at least in the U.S., in such… Read more

  • Write Like a Knight; Irony in Creating Without Control

    Write Like a Knight; Irony in Creating Without Control

    John O’Donohue says near the end of chapter 2 in Eternal Echoes that “It is vital that one’s spiritual quest be accompanied by a sense of irony” because it “ensures humility” (129). With dramatic irony, the audience knows more than the main character does; irony in this instance is not recognizing your own situation and/or… Read more