Tag: creative writing

  • Night Locks the Birds in the Sky: Review of Bird Ornaments

    Night Locks the Birds in the Sky: Review of Bird Ornaments
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    How many ways can we come to know the body through metaphor? In Angel T. Dionne’s book of poems Bird Ornaments, it can be and become so many things: a “dimensional graph/of genetic variations,” string beans for arms, caterpillars for eyebrows, teeth become adversaries. And usually when we think of metaphors, we imagine them opening… Read more

  • Let’s Behead Ourselves: Living As Symbols, Not Images

    Let’s Behead Ourselves: Living As Symbols, Not Images
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    As I spend time thinking about language and its imperfections, how it only reveals slivers of truths, not a whole truth, I discover how easily we deceive ourselves into believing we could possibly ever know something wholly. Take self-identity for an example. We define ourselves by our jobs, at least in the U.S., in such… Read more

  • From Dormant Roots to Dragonfire: Writing the Self

    From Dormant Roots to Dragonfire: Writing the Self

    One of the most important experiences I had in my MFA was writing a poem. Here’s what happened:My teacher told us to go outside sometime that week and read Percy Bysshe Shelley’s “Ode to the West Wind.” She said this poem was meant to be read aloud…. loudly.Yell it.Yell the poem as loud as you… Read more