Narya Rose Deckard’s Blog
Hello! Thanks for visiting my blog With Wings. Just to complicate how much I have to keep track of, I also have a Substack With Wings. Feel free to read from either site! (although you will find more writing on here)
Burdens: A Season of Coming and Going Day 7
Tarot card for the day: 10 of Wands Reversed He carries all ten wands in his arms. He trudges beneath the weight of it all. Was it that…
4 min read
Childhood: A Season of Coming and Going: Tarot Day 6
Tarot Card for Today: Six of Cups reversed Two children in springtime surrounded by abundance. Flowers are blooming everywhere, the grass and trees are rich green, and it’s…
4 min read
The Exeter Book: A Season of Coming and Going with Tarot: Day 5
Advent Tarot Day 5: 3 of Pentacles Reversed Of course it would happen sooner or later: a repeated card. This is the beauty of Tarot: it gives us…
4 min read
dark business: A Season of Coming and Going with Tarot: Day 4
Judgment reversed: Day 4 They have risen from the dead. How long have they been dead? Does that matter? No—what matters is the call, the trumpet of renewal…
4 min read
A Season of Coming and Going with Tarot: Day 3
Day 3 : Six of Pentacles Reversed A man dressed in fine robes, blue cape and red tunic, holds a set of scales in his left hand. The…
4 min read
A Season of Coming and Going with Tarot: Day 2
A man chisels at a stone sculpture; he’s finding the beauty of movement and life, a living being, in stone. He’s in a state concentration: relaxed and…
4 min read