Narya Rose Deckard’s Blog
Hello! Thanks for visiting my blog With Wings. Just to complicate how much I have to keep track of, I also have a Substack With Wings. Feel free to read from either site! (although you will find more writing on here)
Let’s Behead Ourselves: Living As Symbols, Not Images
As I spend time thinking about language and its imperfections, how it only reveals slivers of truths, not a whole truth, I discover how easily we deceive ourselves…
4 min read
Write Like a Knight; Irony in Creating Without Control
John O’Donohue says near the end of chapter 2 in Eternal Echoes that “It is vital that one’s spiritual quest be accompanied by a sense of irony” because…
4 min read
The Bridge of Bear Mother: Ancient Slumber and Quickening
St. Brigid, Imbolc, and the 5 of Cups The bridge draws my eye first along its breadth, the bridge to which the figure in the image looks, the…
4 min read
From Dormant Roots to Dragonfire: Writing the Self
One of the most important experiences I had in my MFA was writing a poem. Here’s what happened:My teacher told us to go outside sometime that week and…
4 min read
Resting but Ready
Hibernation is always on my mind, particularly in the season when it’s at least somewhat socially acceptable. This week I’m thinking about hibernation in terms of the Tarot…
4 min read